Unannounced Dreams

Is it enough to believe,

To receive me

 in the dreams that seem to come unannounced?

  Pouncing like a perfect kitten within a homestead? 

 Where is it written instead of proclaimed 

that I have to name what matters the most?  

I certainly am not the fanatical host. 

 I play with my choices, the voices that come,

 done with the burden of some time soon, 

I acclaim I am risen this day before noon. 

 And the joyful pursuits as I strive for the truths

 compare to the rare form of a masterful work

 as I pursue my desire, I fire off my flame. 

 I will not be settled, nor named fettered to chains.

  I am not only the pains that carve my insides,

 I am tried and I’m true to reach for dream’s views.

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